Monday, September 8, 2008

Froggy finds Thing #18 already done!

Yay! The other night, I was reading Little Loon and Papa by Toni Buzzeo to my 2-year-old daughter. It has loon sounds in the text that you're supposed to make. Honestly, I'm from Oklahoma. We don't have loons. I've heard the loon song, but couldn't replicate. Anyway, my daughter couldn't sleep, for whatever reason 2-year-olds can't sleep, and insisted on being downstairs with me in the den. I was on the computer (probably working on my 23 things) and thought it would be fun to find out what a loon really sounds like. So on to YouTube to show my little girl what a real loon looks and sounds like.

This is one of the videos that we found:

There were more that had better video of the loons. My daughter thought this was so great! And what a cool way to bring a fiction book to life for a little girl. It was very easy to find more like this one. In fact, we moved on to moose videos, and beavers, and so on with all the animals featured in the book. So fun! And it seemed to calm my daughter down so that she finally decided to go to bed, you know, so that we could read the book one more time...or two or three times...maybe more.

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