Friday, September 5, 2008

Froggy finds Thing #15 to be a part of her every day life...

Yeppers. That's right. Every day life. No kidding! I've mentioned my husband, the software engineer, and all of his techy-ness that rubs off on me. I watched the Second Life video of Info Island and have to say that the graphics are not that great compared to some of the awesome games that are out there.

Our family (extended) is a family of WOWers. For a while, family didn't call, they chatted on World of Warcraft. All my husband's family had accounts, even his dad. It's odd, how it becomes one of your social circles. I had my own account for a while, and it was fun. I realized after a certain point, that it took up too much of my time. I played a lot while I was pregnant with our first child because I wasn't playing soccer or biking or doing much active for that matter. For some reason, it wasn't that relaxing for me, though. I'm too goal-driven. I wanted to finish all the quests, and there were always more.

It's something that my husband does to get away and relax. I think gaming is for him, what reading is for me. MMORPGs are so big for socializing! My husband has conversations with people from other countries while he's playing. Our world is getting so small now. It's just amazing!

Now there are systems like the Wii that are revolutionizing console play and making it that much more like online socializing. Our library has a teen game night with Wii, PS2 and computer games, which I think is so necessary, since this is the world that our kids are growing up in. I'm excited to see what else the future will hold for my little ones as they get older.

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