Monday, May 18, 2009

Thing #38: Screencasting

Ah. Finally. Here's the one that was hard for me because it involved a download, and recording something, and putting in sound. Yah, you try that with a one-year-old and a three-year-old running around. I wasn't sure about doing this one at work either. I think in order to eliminate background noise, I would have had to book a meeting room. Also, an issue. But I took some time at home after the kiddos had gone to bed and it's done!

I chose to explore Jing because I have seen other tutorials done with Jing and really liked them. In fact, several of the classes were from on digital scrapbooking. So fun!

I had set up a wiki on for my Maud Hart Lovelace reading group which represents SELCO/SELS. And it's kinda new for some of the people, so I did a little tutorial on how to add a comment. Here it is!

Hope it works for you. When I try to bring it up on my conputer, it's huge. Maybe I need to edit. Ah, but I tried. I get points for that, right?

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