Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Froggy finds Thing #4 AWESOME!!!!

I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the stupendous options, but since I do a bit of scrapbooking (read: major hobby), Flickr looks like a dream come true. I can't wait to explore a lot more and hook all my family members and friends! I uploaded a picture and sent it off to a "friend" to see what they think. Our personal family webpage is currently broken. We've been wondering what to do. It consists mostly of a truckload (no I mean it, the dump truck type) of photos. Flickr just might be our solution.

Love the tagging feature too! Because from a scrap perspective, that means that you can pull together all the photos on a particular topic and put 'em in a cool creative album. I'm feeling a bit like I may have found a new addiction. What to do, what to do...

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